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Professional Development/Cultural Proficiency

Seneca High School is committed to professional development and increasing the cultural proficiency of all our staff members.

For the 2021-2022 school year, two ADL Peer Trainers facilitated a workshop for staff members called "Confronting Biases through Critical Conversations."

For the 2020-2021 school year, Mrs. Martin-Lee, Madame Ayrer, Mrs. McCloskey, and Dr. Knecht facilitated a teacher in-service that focused on equity and social justice issues. In addition, Mrs. Martin-Lee, Madame Ayrer, and Mrs. McCloskey facilitated a workshop about microaggressions for all staff.

Some of our other recent staff trainings include the following:

  • Workshops offered through the New Jersey Consortium for Equity and Excellence (NJCEE).
  • Research for Better Teaching (RBT) training for all staff members.
  • Student-led workshops facilitated by our ADL Peer Trainers.
Staff Training 1
Seneca students engage staff members in an ADL Peer Training Workshop
Staff Training 2
Seneca students engage staff members in an ADL Peer Training Workshop